I've just finished - and thoroughly enjoyed -
The Prime of Life and hope to start on
Force of Circumstance later this evening. De Beauvoir writes vividly of occupied Paris and the efforts that she and her comrades made to make their lives tolerable, if not enjoyable during the most oppressive times and her enjoyment of cafe life is something with which I can identify most enthusiastically! I could have kicked myself for my procrastination the other day: whilst browsing in the Oxfam bookshop I found a copy of Heidegger's
Being and Time for £4.99 and a commentary on it for a further £3.99. I hummed and ha'd about buying it (he's a bit earlier than my usual existential interests, although seminal) and eventually put it back on the shelf. Sometime during the ensuing hours, I conceived a real desire to buy it, so having delivered daughter no.3 to her rowing practice the following day, I scuttled back to the shop to purchase it. Only someone else had bought it in the interim. Dammit! I am
so annoyed! I wonder if it was the same freak that bought the Gothic grammar a few months back? Do I have a doppelganger? I think, dear reader, that I do!
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