Tuesday, December 16, 2008

...and the Greatest of These is Charity

Aren't charity shops great? Particularly our local Oxfam shops which have two dedicated second-hand book shops in York. A lot of students hand in their course books and it was obviously as a result of one such clear-out that I managed to source Bernard Comrie's book 'Tense' as recommended by my supervisor. How cool is that?

Yesterday also saw me pick up a copy of Moises Silva's commentary on Galatians - a most excellent find as I was beginning to worry about my lack of date-spread commentary-wise. This has an interesting section on discourse and literary structure which I am looking forward to digesting over the next few weeks.

Meeting a friend in Borders, I arrived early and idly looking through the shelves found that they finally had in stock a paperback copy of 'This Breathing World' by Jose Luis de Juan - I'd asked last year if they could get hold of one but, unsurprisingly, they could find no mention of it on their database.

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