And again. The Christmas shopping season is not conducive to abstemiousness on the bibliomania front. And yesterday I was put at risk of overindulgence when a friend cried off our coffee/chat at the last moment. Since I was in town anyway with the intention of picking up a few festive wotsits, I suddenly found myself with a couple of extra hours spare until the parking ticket expired. As I wanted one of those Advent candles with the dates marked off (yes...we had to have a massive burn-up to get to the appropriate date last night), I went down to the Barbican book shop which not only stocks That Sort of Thing, but has an extensive second-hand theology/religion section. I just popped upstairs to survey their latest acquisitions (recalling my luck with the two ICC's last week) and nestling on the Biblical language shelves...lo and behold! Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon in pristine condition! There's something funny that happens to my brain when I see (a) a lexicon and (b) Greek script....I don't know what it is, and if the font size is sufficiently miniscule, I actually start to hyperventilate and fiscal prudence flies out of the window. I bought it, on the grounds that it was 'coded with Strong's concordance numbers' and the definitions and cross-references seemed superbly detailed. In my defence I did have it open on my desk today and did use it for my analysis of the Galatian verb forms. OK...shall I tell you what else I was using (i.e. had open) whilst I was working, so you can see the extent of my mania? Here's the list, and it does not take into account the shut-up ones in the small book stand adjacent:
i) The Interlinear KJV-NIV Parallel New Testament
ii) Hans Dieter Betz's 'Hermeneia' commentary on Galatians
iii) Bauer's Greek-English Lexicon of the NT and Other Early Christian Literature
iv) The Oxford Classical Dictionary (to look up Grammarians)
v) Moulton and Geden's Concordance of the NT
vi) Han's Parsing Guide to the Greek NT (see last week's post)
vii) E de Witt Burton's ICC commentary on Galatians
viii) Swete's 3rd volume of the LXX (for looking up a cross-ref. in Isaiah)
ix) NA27
You see....I just can't be trusted around small Greek print.
I shan't tell you that I actually put an illustrated Jeromite missal back. It was volume 3 of 3, and the others were not there. DG.
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