Can't do it: read Neal Stephenson's
Cryptonomicon, I mean. I started it two nights ago and made a final effort at it this morning but it's.....well, I don't like to label....too
blokey for my liking. The research seems admirably detailed (although he could be writing absolute mathematical bollocks for all I know) and I can cope with sketchily drawn (tautology?) characters and fast moving plot switching. But do you know what? It's like reading something written by someone with attention-deficit/Asperger's...or for them...syndrome: I'm not sure which. So with no little annoyance, I shall consign it to the 'help-yourself-anyone' shelf along with various other ill-advised purchases. I know what I'm going to get in replacement: Scarlett Thomas's
Popco and AlexanderMcCall Smith's
The Unbearable Lightness of Scones - pure undemanding beach pabulum, but with pretty coherent narrative strings. As far as I can tell. Thus far.
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